Hengqin-Macau Twin Ports
An Engine of Growth in the Greater Bay Area

Situated in Hengqin’s port area, Xin De Kou An Shang Wu Zhong Xin is an integrated development comprising a retail mall, office tower, prestigious hotel, and a 70-year leasehold apartment complex with a luxurious clubhouse. Apart from the residential apartments, all properties will be managed by Shun Tak Holdings Limited.

A strategic link between Hengqin and Macau, the development‘s prime location offers unparalleled access to the best of both cities.

Reap the full potential of Hengqin’s connectivity to the Greater Bay Area and explore dynamic international business opportunities, all from a 70-year leasehold residence overlooking the Hengqin port district.

The future of the Greater Bay Area begins at Hengqin.

*The clubhouse operates independently and is subject to operating conditions

Hengqin-Macau Twin Ports
An Engine of Growth in the Greater Bay Area

Situated in Hengqin’s port area, Xin De Kou An Shang Wu Zhong Xin is an integrated development comprising a retail mall, office tower, prestigious hotel, and a 70-year leasehold apartment complex with a luxurious clubhouse. Apart from the residential apartments, all properties will be managed by Shun Tak Holdings Limited.

A strategic link between Hengqin and Macau, the development‘s prime location offers unparalleled access to the best of both cities.

Reap the full potential of Hengqin’s connectivity to the Greater Bay Area and explore dynamic international business opportunities, all from a 70-year leasehold residence overlooking the Hengqin port district.

The future of the Greater Bay Area begins at Hengqin.

*The clubhouse operates independently and is subject to operating conditions

Hengqin-Macau Twin Ports
An Engine of Growth in the Greater Bay Area

Situated in Hengqin’s port area, Xin De Kou An Shang Wu Zhong Xin is an integrated development comprising a retail mall, office tower, prestigious hotel, and a 70-year leasehold apartment complex with a luxurious clubhouse. Apart from the residential apartments, all properties will be managed by
Shun Tak Holdings Limited.

A strategic link between Hengqin and Macau, the development‘s prime location offers unparalleled access to the best of both cities.

Reap the full potential of Hengqin’s connectivity to the Greater Bay Area and explore dynamic international business opportunities, all from a 70-year leasehold residence overlooking the Hengqin port district.

The future of the Greater Bay Area begins at Hengqin.

*The clubhouse operates independently and is subject to operating conditions


Leasing Hotline

Hong Kong

(852) 2666 0080


(853) 2881 8271


(0756) 8282 682


Adjacent to Hengqin Port, Zhuhai


Copyright © 2020. Zhuhai Hengqin Shun Tak Property Development Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Leasing Hotline

Hong Kong

(852) 2666 0080


(853) 2881 8271


(0756) 8282 682


Adjacent to Hengqin Port, Zhuhai


Copyright © 2020. Zhuhai Hengqin Shun Tak Property Development Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Leasing Hotline

Hong Kong

(852) 2666 0080


(853) 2881 8271


(0756) 8282 682


Adjacent to Hengqin Port, Zhuhai


Copyright © 2020. Zhuhai Hengqin Shun Tak Property Development Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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